Thursday, 19 December 2013

The Bait finesse project is born :)

Well we are a few years into the Rockfish game styles now and things have evolved somewhat haven't they? Starting out and going through a great many rods and reels never quite happy enough. Until i started using  bait-cast set up for all of my HRF duties. Still i was missing something then came the advent of Bait Finesse styles using all the same techniques but with lighter rods and super tuned reels enable a cast of down to 1.5 grams with relative ease with a little practice and the right gear that is.
Over the time of running the Rockfish revolution a lot of people came and went but the fishing was always good but i still wanted a bigger challenge something new something i could get my teeth into a chance to hit big fish on light gear but still maintain fish safety and handling ability in rough ground.

Hence Bait finesse rods designed for busting big fish from heavy cover but allowing the use of a small light sub 2 gram bait but heavier lines when needed. no species is safe anymore be it freshwater pike, Perch, Trout, Sea Trout, Salmon, Carp, Tench Bream? Salt species anything that takes a lure big bass and wrasse are a prime target.
Myself and mark sat drinking coffee and making the next batch of bucktail jig heads one night considering the project and should we make the jump fully into bait finesse only? This was 4 months ago now with the end of the year nigh it is the right time 2014 will see the end of the revolution and the start of the Bait Finesse Project in earnest.
No longer fitting into LRF or HRF for that matter but using skills from both sets for all species dropping off the many sessions everyy week for small fish but fishing dedicated sessions for a species decided on the day by and large. bu the change of casting a 1 inch minnow or a 6 inch weightless stick bait.
Tackle wise current line up sees rods and reels from Daiwa, Megabass, Shimano, Abu Garcia, Nories, Palms, Major Craft, we dont need to change rods or reels to match this seasons in make or type as a year changes we may make upgrade changes to reels or spools but over all there isn't the need to change tackle all the time anymore. Upgrades and super tuning yes couldn't resist that part still :)
Last year saw us fishing dropshot for tench and carp with a good success rate but stalk a carp in the margins with a true lure? chase Barbel in the rivers with Senko's? A 10 gram casting rod and 5lb Wrasse?
Much the same as when lrf and hrf started out people said it couldn't be done and we pretty much expect the same reaction but only through attempting and failing altering until success is achieved can anything evolve and this is the drive that is behind the project. Where will the journey take us i havent a clue but i am looking forwards to exploring new places with a different approach i for one can not wait for the year to start a fresh so watch this space :)

Tight lines all for 2014 :)

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